I wanna call you. I know I shouldn't, so I won't. We havent talked for two weeks now. But who's counting? It's like, no vale de nada que i called you 'one of my best friends'. Que estuvieras en el grupo "VIP" de mi MSN list. Que te conozca since you were in sixth grade, y aunque no haya sido constante la amistad somehow it found its way, slowly but surely, thru the times. But then I guess life is full of surprises, and changes. Still, I hope this particular change isnt permanent. Remember when we had ese tiempo appart? Que it took a long time of talking only about Neopets to go back to how it was? How you sent me those valuable items for my gallery! Y celebrabamos esas cosas like they were part of real life. I miss the daily online conversations about nothing and everything. The mutual calls at the wee hours: "i wish u were here, eto ta aperisimo!". Good thing I got a pretty tight schedule these days, keeping myself busy and all. Doesn't stop me from listening to "Suffer well" whenever i can. Just because. Your last weeks here confused me. Porque claro, le segui dando mente al asunto (isnt it awfull how i STILL do?). Me buscabas and yet, me evitabas a la vez. Deseado pero forzado, querido pero esquivado. It didnt have to be like that. But talking has always been my thing, not yours I guess. I mean, can't you tell? I've just been blabbing on and on. Maybe I should try and get some sleep. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
Comments on "playing the angel"
¨tu peor anemigo puede llegar a se tu mejor amigo y tu mejor amigo tu peor enemigo¨
no ay algo mas peligroso que un amigo herido ni nada mas valioso que un verdadero amigo
nah saludos que ese tema tiene mucha tela para cortar
jUm ya lo sabe... cosa k me dolio esa