*-. The psychologist syndrome .-*
Not continuing, but still along the lines of the last post, id like to talk a bit about something that happens to me every so often. Como está explicado en mi "personal statement", escrito para las aplicaciones de las maestrias que quiero hacer, siempre he sido the type of person k las personas recurren for help. Heck, no es que soy la mas confiable (en un ejercicio en grupo en la uni, the whole class, at least by 1 other person, got named "mas confiable", except me). I know i have a hard time keeping secrets, keeping my mouth shut. And still, i manage to be the shoulder to cry on. Entonces its almost funny how people that bearly tell me what college they're in, can bear out their souls for 2 hours, and say every little detail about the problem they're currently dealing with. It's like they've tried it all, y eso de que yo este ligada a la psicologia sets me appart. Im gonna be able to tell them something that helps. But even before i dreamed of studying this career, the phenomenon occured. And dont get me wrong. I love to be able to make peoples lives better, easier. To help them help themselves, look outside the box and understand their problem in a more objective manner; take steps towards their own well being. Every bit of energy consumed listening, analizing, figuring out what I can do to help them see, is definetly worth it. Quite consuming, but ultimately worth it. Even so, it's funny how time and time again what I miss other people to seek me for is what most people have. Que me llames pa juntarnos. Pa ir al cine. Pa ver tele y hablar mierda. Pa shop. These day to day things, to just hang out. Simplicities that are so many times overlooked. Porque dejenme decirles, que el celular sometimes just rings endlessly on a friday night. Calls to party. Calls to help, give advice. Calls because [you are] in a crisis. No digo que todos lo hagan. Pero si me ha tocado la persona que veo 2 veces en la vida, pero que no tiene problemas en secuestrarme por par de horas so I'll listen to their problems. Ironically, la persona que me llevo a escribir esto es alguien a la que Id help sin pensarlo dos veces, que en algun momento de mi vida aporto tanto y que Im glad to listen to. Because, como le dije, si no te lo digo yo, quien te lo va a decir? And heck, I have people I can call in turn that will listen to me endlessly, salir desde casa er diablo pa pick me up y take me to ER pq no se como bajarme la fiebre, ir pa donde estoy sin pensarlo dos veces porque me acaban de chocar aunque tengo 1 año que no me junto contigo... En fin, me he desviado del tema original pero its all things that go thru my head. I just hope, like always, I can manage to balance it out. Porque I though writing this would help me clear out what is it that bothers me so much... why im so inclined to be the one at a party to take care of the girl that got drunk, to study a career that is based on helping. Deep rooted fear of rejection if I do otherwise? Creo que once tire una teoria al respecto, but I cant seem to remember. I just hope its not a bad thing to have. |
Comments on "The psychologist syndrome"
Lo importante es justamente eso... que eres importante, valga la redundancia, para esa persona en el momento determinado... Es muy difícil sobrellevar un problema sin una mano amiga que te apoye y te calme ansiedades y frustracciones... y si no es capaz de hacerlo, al menos esté ahí para acompañarte...
Es cool que seas esa persona para algunos...
i could really use some help =(
It's SO not a bad thing to have. I can feel your "pain"...
you know its odd really pero eso me pasa a mi.. n u would think that since im so damn unstable that it wouldnt.. but it does.. incluso.. yo soy mas el listener k el k habla.. avece me molesta en verda pork hay cosas k uno kisiera como dejar salir.. k por una vez te escuchen.. pero na..
but its true.. u always seem to know what to say.. =).. y eso ta bien.. no todo el mundo tiene ese don..