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Grouplove :: Tongue tied

Incubus :: Miss you

David Guetta feat. Sia :: Titanium

Pimpinela :: Heroina solitaria

" On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible por les yeux" -- Antoine St. Exupéry

" The curious paradox is that only when we accept ourselves as we are, then we can change" -- Carl Rogers

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Location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Just a simple girl who likes to smile, read and write, help people out whenever I can. Snoopy's cool. All sorts of music are welcome. Big fan of action, as well as sci fi and romantic movies. Psychology is my world. Living in Philly, but always proud to be Dominican!

[[ mas cOsas.. de mi! ]]

financial planners
pPl have read my ruBbish

Saturday, November 19, 2005

*-. To find balance... .-*

Bueno toy singing "let the cables sleep" de Bush... es sad pero linda tambien...
Anyways decidi ecribir pq its saturday and 9am and i cant sleep. Eh normally id be up to eat, a las 2 por ahi. Y hoy abri los ojos como dos bombillitos at 8:06am. Eep. You gotta hate sunlight. Good news, exam date moved up to 5 de diciembre. Me llamo una gringa y me lo dijo ayer! Aunque that just means i gotta study harder. Y... *drums*

Me graduo este martes 22 de noviembre a las 10AM. Y Magna Cum Laude señores. =D ehe ehem.

Anyways, about the whole finding balance thing. Antes de ayer le taba diciendo a alguien como el problema mio es los extremes. O me quedo muy callada o hablo mas de la cuenta. O gasto mucho dinero o no lo uso para lo que necesito. O me inspiro full y amanezco haciendo un trabajo, or i leave a big project sin hacer for days and days. Igual fall for a guy too fast. Rayos que rapido. Y asi uno se la pasa, trying to find some sort of balance. Porque todo en exceso es malo señores. Todo. Otra baina es tambien que im used to putting others first. Im gonna turn into a selfish brat for a while hehe. A ver si things meet en algun punto medio. Think about myself. What I want. Need. For a change. That would definetly be a nice change.

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