*-. The Past and the Could-Have-Beens .-*
In my neverending self-exploratory quest, I have come to the realization that a big chunk of my time and energy is spent dwelling on the past and the things -and relationships- that could have been. Los amigos perdidos, los errores (y la inevitable culpa que viene con ellos), los momentos en que mi vida could have taken x turn... What is the point of this? Could my energy be not better spent in the present, in appreciating what I have now, in making my life today a better one? This post and y otro que anda por ahi talk a bit about the fact that there's no room for guilt and sometimes i wish that i would practice what I preach more often. Otro detalle is how hard it seems to be to let go of what my life used to be y aceptar que ya no vivo alla, y tengo que concentrarme on what I'm doing here. Claro, keeping in touch with the people I care about is important, especialmente my parents que se estan quejando lately que I only talk "business" with them jeje. Pero ya estoy settled enough with my life here que puedo decir que vivo en Philadelphia, y visito DR. It's been like this for a while pero for some reason I am yet to feel 100% this way. So let's embrace the present. Because the past is done with and the future is uncertain. |